
06 April 2016

One goose, two geese, red geese, new house

This year started out so promisingly with two sewing finishes back in early January.  And a knitted hat last month.  There is daily inspiration for both sewn and knitted things.  I see projects on IG, Pinterest and Ravelry that are calling out to me.  But for the past few months, my time has been consumed by house-hunting.  After months of searching and viewing close to 40 houses, we finally found one we'd like to call home.

This process has not been without hiccups.  We actually put in an offer on a house we liked but didn't love.  After agonizing for an entire week about making the wrong decision, we called our realtor to let her know that our hearts were not in that house, and we wanted to put an offer on a different one (which was actually the house our realtor had pointed out would be perfect for us when we viewed it).

Now that the search is over, will there be more time for making things?  Probably not, since there is now an entire household to pack up before our mid-May closing date.  But here is something I did manage to finish this week:

 Back in December, the McKinney Modern Quilt Guild hosted Moda representative Lissa as a guest speaker.  Before she left the meeting, she very generously handed out gift bags with an assortment of 4 Moda mini-charm packs and a 4-pack of Aurifil thread.  Our challenge was to make a project using some or all of the charms (at least a few prints from each pack to be represented in the work).  We could add our choice of a yard of either Moda Grunge or Moda Bella Solids.

I decided to make a throw quilt for our sofa.  (We currently have one large-ish sofa quilt, and family movie nights are usually riddled with complaints that someone is hogging the quilt.)  When I started this quilt top last Tuesday, I decided to make a simple quilt with alternating nine-patch blocks and solid squares of blue.  But when my nine-patches were all sewn up, I felt compelled to cut them into triangles and add some solid white in the mix.  My intent was to make HSTs, but those HSTs morphed into flying geese.  Then I found some solid red in my stash and threw that in, too.

In some small way, the making of this quilt top mirrored our home-buying process.  Choices were presented, choices made, minds changed and new choices made.  I'm pleased with the end results.