
31 August 2012

Zip it!

Just a quick post on the completed secret swap item.  The zipper install was well... much ado about nothing.  I referenced a few zippered pouch tutorials and things went off without a hitch.  I think I mainly used this tutorial at Swim, Bike, Quilt! and this tutorial at Skip to My Lou.  And of course, this tutorial from Diary of a Flutter.Kat.

My partner expressed a fondness for Flea Market Fancy, bright colors, linen and pouches.  I hope I'm not too far off the mark:

It's roughly 12" square- large enough to hold an embroidery hoop and some hand-stitching necessities.

Since this first zip pouch was a cakewalk, I'm feeling the need to make one for myself.  Plus, I've got some essex linen and a quite a few HST's leftover from this project... 


  1. Cute! Like how that star is super subtle - definitely adds interest. Will have to reference those tutorials when I build up the courage to try a zipper...

  2. That is so pretty and you rocked the dreaded zipper :)

  3. Yay, knew you could do that zipper :o)

  4. I clicked on your blog because I saw you ever at Katie's! We have the same name! Your work is lovely.......I adore your pouch. I think I should click on your follower button now! :o) Deb.

  5. One more thing! You live in San Jose!! I grew up in Livermore!


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